
Sunday and the sixty-second Covid blog.

My blog life is very erratic at the moment, where I tried to mostly adhere to a two week schedule it feels a little difficult to keep to this at present. I think I will try for the time being at least, to keep to a monthly posting.

The reason for this being, that work and life balance feels a wee bit askew and this, coupled with something I am currently writing, takes time and it feels prudent and important to continue.

Poetry ideas are coming thick and fast at the moment there is so much going on in my head it feels as if my mind’s drawers are opening and shutting constantly, but in an exciting and creative way.

I think like most of us, I lose faith in myself at times forgetting who I am, that my ambition to perform my verse play and that people will enjoy it, will not be fruitless and it constantly amazes me how much faith my family and friends store in my vision. I cannot even begin to express how grateful I am, that no one laughs in my face or thinks me absurd to even think of such things!

My life has always followed a strange path and I have always felt as I’ve often said ‘slightly out of step’ for all sorts of reasons and I think we all do at certain points in our lives but writing this verse piece means the kind comments and support of those I love and value is priceless. When life gets in the way it helps to remember who we truly are inside…

On that note, a week or so ago I experienced a ‘Gong Bath’ not entirely sure what I expected but it was truly an interesting perspective.

When you say the name ‘bath’ you immediately envisage water, this however is a bath of sound.


The image above is similar to the sight my friend and I encountered when we entered the room. We had been told to bring a yoga mat, a blanket and a pillow. The session was two hours long but I can honestly say it felt like half an hour.

It began with the chiming of singing bowls which was beautiful, we lay in the dark covered by our blankets listening. The gong ringing began and we were enveloped in a rich sound which vibrated through both the room and body.

This practice reverts to the centuries old act of healing mind and body through low frequency sound waves and has been proven scientifically to be beneficial to one’s well-being.

I personally felt my legs and arms tingle during this time they felt both hot and cold, it felt as if cool liquid were running through my veins and it was a strange feeling but not unpleasant. I saw colours and animals and felt at times as if I were floating. I wasn’t thinking of these creatures they just arrived and then left as quickly as they came.

At the end of the session the lady explained that all of this was normal and each person’s experience would differ, the things I saw were all connected with new beginnings and I must admit, be it psychological or otherwise I really have felt far more relaxed and dare I say it? ‘Zen’ since, and it is something I would most definitely do again.

I think we should always try new things, as someone who once feared change I now seem to embrace it far more. Not entirely, there are still things I run away from but again I think we all have our own idiosyncrasies and there really is nothing wrong with that, it’s what make us, us.

So, until next time, stay safe, be well and never give up on what makes you unique, because actually that really is, just a little bit wonderful!

Joy xxx