
Palm Sunday and thirty-ninth Covid blog.

This has been yet another strange week, a week that ended for me as the start of the Easter Holidays and sees the beginning of Holy Week.

It seems unimaginable that while I gave out Easter chocolate bunnies on sticks upstairs, downstairs in the hall, Covid Lateral Flow kits were being handed out to each child and then later to staff, ensuring the safety for our return.

Another strange event was ‘Marchmas.’

We decided as a department our postponed Secret Santa would be held at lunchtime this week and it felt both a little sad and lovely.

This being a different Secret Santa, there wasn’t any of the usual buzz in the air. The time and season of goodwill now passed, along with the sharing of a meal but there was a sense of something special in the abnormality of this occasion.


My gift was a pin brooch and something I am very fond of. The brooch was from one of my favourite places and a quote from one of my favourite women poets and I absolutely loved it.

It also felt so poignant at this moment in time, almost a mantra for our current situation. Just as the world is beginning to open once more.

From tomorrow, groups of six are allowed to meet outside.

I think we need to remember; that even if things do change again, whatever we face, we will eventually be us again once more.

So in the words of the wonderful Maya Angelou:

“Still I Rise”


Stay Safe,

Joy xxx